Once you've decided to make Calvary Salt Lake your home church, it's important to find out where God wants you to serve Him through ministry to others. We'd love to help you discover where that could be!

If this is your first time attending Calvary Salt Lake, please consider taking a moment to fill out our Connect Card so that we can get connected with you and get you plugged in to this great family in Christ.

Click here to fill out the Connect Card online.

To start your journey serving at Calvary Salt Lake, you may contact us by email, call us at 801-264-9999, visit the church office during business hours (10 a.m.- 5 p.m., Mon - Wed, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Thurs), or stop by the Connect Table in the foyer during any our services.

Every person who serves at Calvary Salt Lake is required to complete a Ministry Application, undergo a background check, and attend our membership class, Discover Calvary.

The Ministry Application can be filled out online here. Or you can pickup a physical copy at the church.

We look forward to serving Jesus together with you!