When you're visiting Calvary for the First time,
it helps to know a few things in advance...
All of the services at Calvary center on teaching the Bible, fellowship, worship, and prayer.
Because we study God's word, you can expect to be spoken to by the Lord.
Because we fellowship, you can expect to be encouraged by God's people.
Because we worship, you can expect to sense the presence of the Lord.
Because we pray, you can expect God to be at work in your life.
In our worship services, our pastor team teaches from the New King James Version of the Bible.
Join us in person at 9am, 11am & 1pm for our normal Sunday morning services.
Join us for live streaming online, Facebook and Youtube at the same times
Children's & Youth Ministry will be hosting their own studies and classes during all 3 services as well.
We are continuing our study through the Old Testament. Service starts at 6:30pm.
Join us online as well, on Facebook and Youtube at 6:30 p.m.
We also have several classes that take place on Wednesdays including: Financial Peace, Grief Share, Self Confrontation, and more.
1st Time Guest Parking is available in the Century parking lot.
Parking is available onsite, as well as offsite in local businesses.
Our parking ministry servants can assist you in finding parking.
Shuttles run on Sunday mornings to all of the offsite parking lots for your convenience.
We offer a shuttle to and from the TRAX station at 4500 South upon request.
Call 801-264-9999 on Sunday mornings to arrange for a shuttle pickup.
We don't really have a 'dress code'. We have a “Come as you are,” policy. Some people wear suits, some people wear jeans. We only ask people to dress appropriately for a family-oriented environment.
CHILDREN'S MINISTRY (Infant - 5th Grade)
Our Children's Ministry staff provides a safe, caring, and nurturing environment where newborns through 6th graders can experience God's love and enjoy learning to play and make friends with little ones their age. We use age appropriate teaching of the Bible, worship, activities, and puppets to get kids excited about Jesus and to get families talking about Jesus together throughout the week.
Security is important to us, so we have security staff at all services. All children, infant through 4th grade, must be given a numbered sticker with their name when checked-in, and all parents must have the matching numbered sticker. When you pick up your child, we'll make sure the numbers on your sticker and your child's sticker match before releasing them to you. After the service concludes in the Sanctuary, we encourage parents to pick up their kids in a timely manner.
First-time visitors may check their children into the Children Ministry at the Guest Check-In in the main lobby.
After your first visit, you may use self check-ins and take your children directly to their classroom.
If have any questions, any member of our staff or any of our volunteers will be happy to help you!
More Children's Ministry Information >>>
YOUTH MINISTRY (6th - 12th Grade)
We offer a unique worship service for 6th-12th Grades. The youth assemble together for worship at 9:00am, 11:00am & 1:00 p.m. on Sundays Mornings, then break out by age groups to study God's word on their own age levels.
More Youth Ministry Information >>>
Discover Calvary is where we learn about what it means to be a member of a local church and what our commitment to God in a local church looks like. To attend an upcoming one-day class, enroll at the connect counter.
We provide baptisms on the 4th Sunday of every month after our 3rd service. To be baptized, individuals must attend a one-day class held on the 3rd Sunday of each month during the 1pm service. (Occasionally our schedule will change due to special circumstances)
Click HERE to fill out a connect card and one of our pastors will get in contact with you so you can more easily get connected to the church and get involved with what we are all about here at Calvary.